Friday, February 9, 2007

Object Loresight

  1. Age of object.
  2. Name of last creature to touch the object, if any (other than you).
  3. Race of last creature to touch the object, if any (other than you).
  4. Name of the object’s creator (a natural object, like a rock, was created by nature).
  5. Race of the object’s creator, if any.
  6. Object’s purpose.
  7. Material(s) that makes up the object.
  8. Location of the object’s creation.
  9. Name of the most recent owner of the object, if any.
  10. Magical ability of the object, if any (random if more than one)
The bastard sword:

  1. About 2500 years old
  2. Captain Blank
  3. Human
  4. Tai Requar
  5. Human
  6. Kill the enemies of the Empire
  7. Steel, obsidian, gold
  8. Tai-Hora Jaen
  9. Tai Faren
  10. +1 enhancement
The blue stones:

  1. About 1600 years old
  2. Party member
  3. Party member
  4. Tai Faren
  5. Human
  6. Bait
  7. Azurine
  8. Ozymandius’s tomb
  9. Tai Faren
  10. Detonations; large electricity loop, medium shock, small electric jolt

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